A presentation at DevSecCon24 in June 2020 in by Matt Stratton
The Five Love Languages of DevOps Matt Stratton Transformation Specialist, Red Hat
“Optimizing the human experience and performance of operating software with software and humans” - Andrew Clay Shafer @mattstratton
The Five Love Languages @mattstratton
what does this have to do with shipping software? @mattstratton
CALMS Culture Automation Lean Measurement Sharing @mattstratton
what does this have to do with anything? @mattstratton
Each of these is a “DevOps love language” @mattstratton
DiSC Dominant/Direct Influencing Steadiness Conscientious @mattstratton
direct lean/measurement @mattstratton
influencing culture/sharing @mattstratton
steadiness automation/measurement @mattstratton
conscientious sharing/measurement @mattstratton
asses the drivers @mattstratton
be a salesperson @mattstratton
talk their language @mattstratton
compliance vs commitment @mattstratton
the best change agents are those who don’t see people as something they have to “deal with” @mattstratton
bring people along for the ride @mattstratton
https://speaking.mattstratton.com @mattstratton